Do you have an online-store or a food delivery service (pizza, sushi, rolls), chinese or indian cuisine restaurant with an option to deliver food to your customers or anything (whatever) else that requires a delivery service?

We have a ready-made business solution for you and your highly valued customers, which would make it just impossible for them to miss their courier and would enable your end customers to be always aware when exactly the courier arrives. The location of your courier will never again be a mystery to them! From now on your customers can track all the movements of the courier on the map. Which gave our feature its name, courier on the map. Let`s have a close look at a particular case from our own practice.
Real case
One of our customers is a distributor of spare parts for trucks. The company has a highly developed and large courier service. Before the company started using our feature Courier on the map, the situation with communication between their couriers and managers gave them a hard time.
Clear enough, it is the liability of a courier to deliver spare parts to the customers of the company. And he has to do it on time. Imagine you are a customer. What would you want to do? Sure, you would wish to have a look at the map and to find your courier, and in addition to this you would want to track his movements in real time. Just enter your order reference number and you`ll see you courier on the map.
This is exactly what we have suggested to our customer! Before this company started using our mobile app, their couriers had to call the managers and tell them their current location, and this, in its turn, was not always convenient because the procedure demands first of all, time and, secondly, an opportynity to call, which is sometimes hard to find in our hectic life with endless deadlines and complicated schedules.
Solution found!
You can add our plugin Courier on the map on your website and enable your customers to see their courier on the map. In addition to this your cutomers will see the estimated time of the courier`s arrival. As simple as that! This option, like any other option we suggest, will make your business more transparent and will help your customers to be satisfied. And satisfied clients are loyal clients. As a business owner you surely know this.