Do you need to depict on a map your marketing goals, the places your field service engineers should visit sooner or later? Seeing your targets on the map can be quite helpful for your marketing strategy and your business. It`s our pleasure to help you up with your ambitious marketing plans.

Let`s consider a real business case.
One of our clients has vendor business. It`s a team of field service engineers visiting different places and organizations with slot machines. There they collect money. The team and the business owner have an abitious long-term marketing goal. In a nutshell they have a database of places and organizations they are planning to visit in future. The business owner wanted all these places (their potential marketing goals) to be depicted on the map. The point was to highlight on the map the places they were just planning to visit with one color and the places they have already visited with another color.

We are proud to announce that we have a feature which will enable you to do so.
You can set a task. But be careful. You don`t need the task to be finished soon. For example, you need to depict one of the places. You potential marketing goal spot. Set a task with this address. But plan 2 or 5 years ahead. The place will be highlighted on the map with blue. It can stay this way for the several upcoming years. As soon as your employee arrives there, the place will be highligted in purple. As soon as the task is finished, the place will start shining in green color.
In this way you can depict all the places and organisations you are interested in. This feature would be beneficial for field service engineers and for marketing purposes, such as marketing planning. We hope this featue will help you to optimise your business. Plan ahead, set long-term goals, enjoy the simplicity of our software.